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What is an excel model / finanical model or tool?An excel model / finanical model is a spreadsheet that makes forecasts or quantitative predictions based on flexible, adjustable assumptions. They can be used to aid better decision making and ask better questions.
How do I know if the excel model will be any good?We recommend that you download the free example excel model from our shop before considering committing to purchasing one of our models.
What if I can't find an excel tool in the shop for my purposes?Not a problem. We also offer a model specification tool that will allow you to enter your particular specifications for your excel tool.
What if the excel model specification tool isn't flexible enough?We have a team of experienced excel financial model and tool builders. If you have a particular request that isn't being met then please reach out to use using the contact form on the contact page.
How to use the model / tool?We include user instruactions within all of our excel models and tools. However, feel free to get in touch with us via our contact page if you have any additional questions. An example of our instructions are as follows: Navigation The navigation sheet ("Nav") includes: - Hyperlinked sheet names with description of the contents of each sheet - A key of various coloured cells and fonts used throughout the model Every tab contains a “Navigation” button in the top left corner. Clicking this button will take you back to the ‘Nav’ sheet Layout The layout is the same for each sheet other than ‘Nav’ and ‘Dash’: - Column D contains description of the contents of each row - Column E tell you the units for the row - Column F includes any assumptions/calculations that are independent of time i.e. that doesn’t change irrespective of the time period - Columns I to P include all annual assumptions, calcualtions and summary outputs - Column R onwards contain monthly assumptions, calculations and outputs - Cell A1 tells you the name of the model. This can be updated in the assumptions page within the Model settings section - Cell A2 tells you the purpose and name of each sheet - Cell G1 contains model warning messages to indicate to the user if something has gone wrong within the model. In this case the user will either update the opening Balance Sheet in order that it balances or re-open a previously saved version of the model - Cell G2 contains alert messages that indicate to the user if they have entered an assumption that doesn’t necessarily make commercial sense - Additional instructions on how to use the model may be included within A12 - Row 2 contains a label for the time period determining whether the time period is an “Actual” or “Forecast” period. “Actual” periods are historical periods - Hidden rows include: o Row 3 contains binary flags that indicate whether the period is an “Actual” period o Row 4 contains binary flags that indicate whether the period is an “Forecast” period o Row 5 contains binary flags that indicate the first “Forecast” period o Row 6 contains binary flags that indicate the last “Actuals” period o Row 7 contains the model year number o Row 8 has data in the annual timeline only. It contains the start period/month number for the year that the column represents o Row 9 has data in the annual timeline only. It contains the end period/month number for the year that the column represents - Row 10 contains the financial year within the annual timeline and the period number within the monthly timeline - Row 11 tells you the start date of the period that the column represents - Row 12 tells you the end date of the period that the column represents - The model uses various headers to help break up assumptions, calculations and outputs: o Column A contains the start of the first level of headers o Column B contains the start of the second level of headers o Column C contains the third level of headers Using the model Yellow and orange cells in the model can be updated to affect the outputs. Yellow cells affect the model parameters and forecast assumptions. Orange cells affect the historical balances. Blue cells are fixed assumptions and as such should not be changed. The first section of the assumption page is the “Model settings”. Use this section to set the model name, units and the model timeline settings. The model start date determines the starting date of the model in cell I11 in the timeline. The forecast start date determines the forecast period start date and hence cannot be before the model start date. You can use this assumption to roll the model forward as “Forecast” periods become “Actual” periods. All other assumptions are as described either in the blue notes in column D or in the row descriptions. Assumptions may be entered either in column F, the annual timeline or the monthly timeline. For assumptions enter positive numbers only unless otherwise instructed. On the “Actuals” sheet enter actual Profit and Loss figures and the opening Balance Sheet (and balance breakdowns) into the orange cells. The forecast start date entered on the “Assumptions” page determines where the orange cells end on the “Actuals” sheet. Enter income, assets and equity as positive, and expenses and liabilities as negative. Once purchasing a download of the model, you have licence to make modifications to the model including all calculations. However, should you do so the model may not work as originally intended. Checking results Outputs from the model can be found on blue sheets. Some outputs will also be included on the “Assumptions” page in order to help the user in entering assumptions. All assumptions and are pulled into the “Calculations” sheet. Outputs on the blue sheet are then taken from the “Calculations” sheet. Users are welcome to investigate all sub-calculations on the “Calculations” sheet.
Will the models be free from errors / bugs?Due to the size and complexity of our Work, it is not generally possible to attain complete assurance that such Work is free from material error. The risk that Work contains material errors may be mitigated through a structured and independent test program or full review, which is outside the scope of any Work provided. We perform limited testing of Work in the course of its creation. This will not constitute a full review or Audit and will not be conducted independently of the development process, and therefore should not be relied upon to indicate that the Work is free from material error. Please feel free to get in touch with us via our contact page if you notice any bugs or errors so that we can fix them and issue a new version of the tool. For more information please refer to our Terms & Conditions.
Will I own the model once I've purchased from the shop?The purchase from the shop does not effectuate any sale of the Work. We retain all rights, title and interest in and to the Work. No title or ownership interest in or to the Work is transferred to you. We do however grant you a non-exclusive, perpetual, worldwide, non-sublicensable, non-transferable license to use, reproduce, modify or display the Work, subject to our Terms & Conditions. If you would like to have a model built exclusively for you along with all rights, title and interest in the tool the please get in touch with us via our contact page.
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